What is GMAT
GMAT stands for "Graduate Management Admission Test" and is typically required for international MBA programmes. Candidates' analytical skills will be evaluated by their performance on the test's quantitative and verbal reasoning sections. Despite the fact that the GMAT is often required for MBA admissions, no management-specific preparation is needed. The GMAT is a test of the rudimentary analytical and communication abilities you'll need to make it through your time in business school. Therefore, students without a management experience shouldn't stress over their GMAT preparation.
Why Take the GMAT Exam?
It is the test of choice for getting into MBA programmes all over the world. According to the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), 9 out of 10 MBA enrolments around the world are made through GMAT Score. The GMAT is recognised by almost 2,400 institutions worldwide. The Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) is offered at more than 650 testing locations in 115+ countries.
GMAT Eligibility 2023
Therefore, GMAC (the GMAT exam's administering organisation) does not have any hard and fast requirements for GMAT eligibility. After taking the GMAT, one should ensure that they are a good fit for the institution they hope to attend.
GMAT Age Criteria
- The candidate must have completed 18 years of age
- There is no upper age limit for the candidate
- If the candidate is between 13 to 17 years old, they should have permission in writing (NOC) from their parents or legal guardian ckckjc ackackasc akas kjbsacac kajbscaackasc
Educational Qualification
- Analytical Writing
- Integrated Reasoning
- Quantitative Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
GMAT Sections
Computer Based
Paper Based
Analytical Writing Section
30 minutes - 1 Topic
Analysis of argument (Essay)
Integrated Reasoning
30 minutes - 12 Questions
2 section - 50 questions (70 minutes)
Quantative Reasoning
2 section - 40 questions (70 minutes)
2 section - 50 questions (80 minutes)
The combined scores from the GMAT's Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning portions make up your final composite score. The total score can range from 200 to 800 points, with each component receiving a number between 6 and 51.